Klipper vs Marlin Firmware: A Comprehensive Comparison of 3D Printing Process

Klipper vs Marlin Firmware: A Comprehensive Comparison of 3D Printing Process


In the mesmerizing world of 3D printing, the heartbeat of every successful print resonates within the firmware that orchestrates each intricate movement. Klipper and Marlin, two firmware giants, hold the reins of innovation and control. This article navigates the captivating terrain of Klipper vs Marlin firmware, unraveling their individual strengths, nuanced differences, and the profound impact they wield on your 3D printing odyssey.

Firmware Foundations: Unveiling the Essence

Before embarking on our exploration of Klipper vs Marlin, let's lay a sturdy foundation by understanding the essence of firmware in 3D Printing. Firmware acts as the unbreakable bridge between your digital designs and the tangible masterpiece, translating coded instructions into precise mechanical actions that shape your vision into reality.


Marlin Firmware

Background and Evolution: Marlin firmware, born in 2011, has earned its stripes as a veteran in the 3D printing realm. In the early, it only support  8-bit Arduino micro-controllers. After 2019, Marlin support more powerful 32 bit controllers by introducing version 2. It has evolved through the collaborative efforts of the open-source community and continues to serve as a reliable companion for a multitude of printers.

Key Attributes:

  1. Wide-Open Arms: Marlin boasts an extensive user base due to its compatibility with an array of 3D printers and electronic configurations. Its well-established presence in the 3D printing landscape fortifies this expansive embrace.
  2. Customization Galore: The firmware's feature-rich environment allows both novices and experienced tinkerers to dive into a sea of customizable parameters, refining every aspect of the print process according to their distinct requirements.
  3. Stability Steadfast: Marlin's maturity translates into robust and dependable firmware, which is a critical factor for those seeking consistent and reliable results in their 3D prints.
  4. Advanced Arsenal: Offering a formidable arsenal of advanced features, Marlin equips you with tools like auto bed leveling, thermal runaway protection, and mesh bed compensation, ensuring a seamless printing experience.

Klipper Firmware: Precision Redefined

 Klipper interface

Fluidd is a popular user interface for Klipper

Origins and Innovations: Klipper, was first released in 2016 by Kevin O’Connor. As a relative newcomer, it emerges as a solution that addresses the limitations of conventional firmware. It redefines the landscape by harnessing the power of an external single-board computer (SBC) to alleviate the computational load from the printer's mainboard.

Notable Features:

  1. Unleashed Performance: Klipper's architecture, driven by an SBC, ushers in a new era of performance. The increased computational prowess leads to swifter and more accurate motion calculations, particularly beneficial for intricate and complex prints.
  2. Delta Printer Dominion: Klipper's forte shines in delta printers, where its capacity to tackle complex mathematical computations elevates the quality of prints with a focus on precision and accuracy.
  3. Modular Evolution: Klipper's modular design simplifies the update process. It empowers users with the ability to introduce updates without the need for extensive recompilation, ensuring access to the latest features and optimizations.
  4. Print Quality Paradigm: The heightened processing capability inherent in Klipper often culminates in superior print quality, with smoother surfaces and finer details accentuating the intricate nuances of your creations.

The Showdown: Klipper vs Marlin

Let's unravel the showdown between Klipper and Marlin through a detailed head-to-head comparison:

Configuration Customization:

  • Marlin: Rich array of straightforward settings for tailored configuration.
  • Klipper: Configuration files necessitate a slightly steeper learning curve but offer unparalleled flexibility.

Computational Supremacy:

  • Marlin: Processes G-code directly on the mainboard, leading to potential slowdowns on complex prints.
  • Klipper: Harnesses the processing might of an SBC for expedited and intricate motion calculations.

Ease of Adoption:

  • Marlin: Acclaimed for its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup.
  • Klipper: Requires a learning curve due to its configuration file approach, yet presents advanced users with limitless potential for customization.

Printer Compatibility:

  • Marlin: Versatile compatibility across a wide spectrum of 3D printers and electronic configurations.
  • Klipper: Particularly well-suited for delta printers and other configurations necessitating complex computations.

Community and Support:

  • Marlin: Benefits from an extensive, well-established community with abundant resources and prompt assistance.
  • Klipper: Although comparatively newer, Klipper's community is steadily expanding, offering responsive solutions and growing documentation.

What is the most difference between a Marlin and a klipper?

Klipper is the most suitable firmware for high-speed 3D printing. Many high-speed 3D printers, including the Creality K1 series, Flashforge 5M, and Twotrees SK1 use Klipper as their firmware. Even many high-speed i3 frame 3D printers also use Klipper. Moreover, Klipper natively supports remote 3D printing and real-time video monitoring. This makes it easy for DIY enthusiasts and 3D printer manufacturers to develop remote 3D printing systems for their printers. So, the Klipper is more and more popular in 3D printing community. Many 3D printing enthusiasts upgrade their i3 frame printers with Klipper control pad. Marlin is main used in cheaper 3D printers, especially for low cost i3 printers.


The Klipper vs Marlin debate culminates in an exhilarating choice – one that steers the trajectory of your 3D printing journey. Marlin, an industry stalwart, is a reliable companion, embodying versatility and stability. In contrast, Klipper pioneers innovation with its SBC-driven architecture, beckoning to those who seek precision and cutting-edge performance.

The choice rests upon your unique needs, proficiency, and your yearning for meticulous precision or user-friendly customization. Regardless of your decision, both Klipper and Marlin unfurl the canvas for boundless creativity and advancement in the ever-evolving saga of 3D printing. As you navigate through the exquisite intricacies of this realm, the symphony of Klipper and Marlin firmware orchestrates a harmonious blend of technology and artistry.
