Products Knowledge

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Silk PLA(PLA Plus) Filament for Your 3D Printing Projects

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Silk PLA(PLA Plus) Filament for Your 3D Printing Projects

When it comes to 3D printing, choosing the right filament is crucial for achieving high-quality results. One type of filament that is gaining popularity among 3D printing enthusiasts is SILK...

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Full Comparative Analysis PLA vs. PETG

Full Comparative Analysis PLA vs. PETG

As 3D printing continues to gain popularity, choosing the right filament for your project is crucial. Two of the most used filaments are PETG and PLA, each with its own...

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The Art and Science of Acetone Vapor Smoothing in 3D Printing

The Art and Science of Acetone Vapor Smoothing in 3D Printing

In the dynamic world of 3D printing, achieving a flawless surface finish is as much an art as it is a science. One revolutionary technique that stands out is acetone...

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3d printer filaments

What is 3D Printing Filament?

3D printing filament is the thermoplastic material for FDM 3D printers. There are several types of filaments available, each with its unique properties and applications. As the backbone of 3D...

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PETG 3D print

The Ultimate Guide to PETG 3D printing

PETG filament is becoming increasingly popular in the world of 3D printing due to its unique properties and versatility. PETG, which stands for polyethylene terephthalate glycol-modified, is a thermoplastic polymer...

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Polycarbonate filament

Everything You Need to Know About the Uses of Polycarbonate Filament

Polycarbonate filament is a popular choice among 3D printing enthusiasts and professionals due to its strength, flexibility, and heat resistance. It is a versatile material that can be used for...

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ABS VS PLA: Which is the Superior Option?

When it comes to 3D printing, choosing the right filament is crucial to achieving high-quality prints. Two of the most popular options on the market are ABS filament and PLA...

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Types of 3d printer filament

The world of 3D printing offers endless possibilities, and the right filament is key to unlocking them. Choosing the perfect material for your project can be overwhelming, with various options...

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The strong features of ASA Filament

The strong features of ASA Filament

As 3D printing continues to revolutionize various industries, it is important to explore the different materials available to maximize the full potential of this technology. One such material is ASA...

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A Comprehensive Comparison: PLA+ vs PETG in 3D Printing

The material you choose is key for a successful 3D print. Two of the most popular materials for 3D printing are Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol-modified (PETG). PLA...

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8K Resin and Ultra 8K Resin

8K Resin and Ultra 8K Resin

The invasion made by 3D printers and its army of designers and materials made the world turn there head to see what is this all about! It literally reshapes the...

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Exploring the World of Environmentally Friendly Recycled Filament

Exploring the World of Environmentally Friendly Recycled Filament

As the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental sustainability, the 3D printing industry is also embracing eco-friendly practices. One such practice is the use of recycled filament, which not only...

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PETG VS PLA: A comprehensive comparison

PETG VS PLA When it comes to 3D printing, the choice of material can significantly impact the final product. Two popular materials in the 3D printing world are PLA (PolyLactic...

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A Deep Dive into UV Resins for 3D Printing: Types, Benefits, and Applications

A Deep Dive into UV Resins for 3D Printing: Types, Benefits, and Applications

Introduction When it comes to 3D printing, filament-based printers are not the only game in town. Stereolithography (SLA) and Digital Light Processing (DLP) 3D printers use a different material altogether:...

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PETG vs ABS Filament: A Comprehensive Comparison with Sunlu Filament

When it comes to 3D printing, choosing the right filament material is crucial for achieving the desired results. Two popular options in the world of 3D printing are PETG and...

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Choosing Proper Nozzle for your 3D Printer and material

Choosing Proper Nozzle for your 3D Printer and material

3D Printing can be fun at the beginning, but along the way users will find something annoying happening to their print. The printing surface is getting rough and not consistent...

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 PA-like resin

What is PA-like resin and the key features of it

3D printing technology, also known as Additive Manufacturing, is an advanced manufacturing technique that involves printing objects by layering materials. The core principle of 3D printing is to slice the digital model...

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High tough resin

High-toughness resin and its applications

Amidst the rapid advancement of 3D printing technology, high-toughness resins have earned considerable attention as innovative materials in this domain. They not only showcase great properties over conventional 3D printing materials but also harbor vast prospects...

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What is photopolymer resin and how it used in 3d printing?

What is photopolymer resin and how it used in 3d printing?

Overview What is photopolymer? What is photopolymer resin? How Photopolymer Resin is Used in 3D Printing? Conclusion Overview Photopolymer resin has become one of the most popular materials used in...

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Filament dryer box

What is the filament dryer box and its importance in 3D printing

3D printing has burgeoned rapidly in recent years as a transformative manufacturing technology. By harnessing thermoplastics and depositing them in a precise, layer-by-layer fashion, 3D printers are capable of bringing digital models...

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